Google Core Web Vitals
Google changes the algorithm regularly and the addition of Google Core Web Vitals is a major change for the next few years. What are Google Core Web Vitals and to what extent is this important for SEO? On this page, we explain this to you.
What are Google Core Web Vitals?
Google Core Web Vitals are the key elements that belong for a good user experience on a website.Among them are speed, interactivity and visual stability.
Key Google Core Web Vitals
The user experience on websites is increasingly important, and even a search engine like Google places more and more value on this. It has since been confirmed by Google that they include this as a ranking factor. One way to measure the usability of a Web site is through Google Core Web Vitals.
- Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): the LCP measures on-page loading performance. It measures the time it takes for the largest element on the page to appear on the screen. Here the shorter it is, the better.
- First Input Delay (FID): the FID measures the time between loading a page and when a user first interacts. Clickability of buttons, selecting sections and filling out forms are included.
- Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): the CLS measures the visual stability of elements on the page. CLS pays attention to ad loading, page content jumping and more.
The impact of Google Core Web Vitals on SEO
Google Core Web Vitals themselves have great impact on the SEO of a website or page. The shorter the website load time is, the better. Visual elements on the Web site are also an important factor in determining the user experience. Google has incorporated this into its algorithm. Understanding and improving these issues is therefore very important in order to improve SEO.
My advice
Not much is known about Google’s algorithm, but certain things in it are very important, including the usability of a website.
We recommend including the Google Core Web Vitals in the SEO strategy. It’s a smart way to improve LCP, FID and CLS scores, giving you better results.
The most complete book on website speed
I’ve written so much about speeding up websites and everything involved that I like to divide it into different sections; general, tools, speed improvement points and tips. Feel free to see and consult all the links below to learn more about tools and tips for speeding up your website.
- What is the website speed
- Website speed: The division between marketing and development
- The influence of SEO on UX
- The influence of web design on SEO
- SPAs and SEO
Verbter points for speed
- First Contentful Paint (FCP)
- Time To First Byte (TTFB).
- Time To Interactive (TTI).
- Image for Largest view with content (LCP) preloaded
- Enable text compression
- Reduce the CSS
- Total Blocking Time (TBT).
- Speed Index
- Reduce JavaScript
- Largest Contentful Paint
- Avoid an overly large DOM
- Delete unused CSS
- Remove unused JavaScript
- Deliver images in modern layouts
- Connect in advance to required origins
- Preventing obsolete JavaScript from being delivered to modern browsers
- Use an efficient cache policy for static items
- Remove duplicate modules from JavaScript
- Avoid multiple redirects
- Encode images efficiently
- Use lazy loading
- Load important requests in advance
General tips
- Tips for quickly loading a video
- Using Edge SEO for a faster website
- Installing a Content Delivery Network for SEO
- Optimizing images for SEO
- The influence of hosting on SEO
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Google Core Web Vitals?
Google Core Web Vitals are the things that are most important to achieve a good user experience on a Web site. Things that belong to this include the stability, speed and interactivity of a Web site.
What is the impact of Google Core Web Vitals on SEO?
Google Core Web Vitals certainly have a substantial impact on the SEO of a website or page. For example, the faster a website loads, the better. The various components of Google Core Web Vitals are included in Google’s algorithm. Thus, improving these components will lead directly to better ranking.