Earned media

The word-of-mouth advertising of products is not only free but also very valuable. Yet it is not always easy to pull this off and take advantage of earned media. What is earned media and what are your options here? You can read about that here!
What is earned media?
Earned media is one of the ways in which the promotion of a product or service takes place. It is a reliable and often free way of advertising, but often harder to get done. It has everything to do with consumer word-of-mouth.
Earned, owned or paid
A company or brand often does not have to do anything for earned media: this happens completely by itself. Consider an item of clothing that receives high praise and causes the user to mention the brand or store where the purchase was made. Recommending the painter to a neighbor is also a form of earned media.
With earned media, it is the consumer who provides the advertising. Other options include owned media and paid media. With owned media, you are in charge of the message you spread about a particular product. This is done mostly through social media. Paid media involves payment for delivering a message: this includes advertisements.
The impact of earned media on SEO
Earned media certainly has an impact on the SEO of a website or page. It is a way in which people come to your shop without the need for paid advertising. If people also proceed to make a purchase, then this is entirely beneficial for search engine optimization and online findability.
My advice
It is every entrepreneur’s dream: complete customer promotion of the products or services. However, this is more difficult to achieve because it does not always work so easily in practice.
We recommend not pinning too much hope on earned media, but also making good use of owned and paid media. This creates more brand awareness and therefore more opportunity for the benefits of earned media. An SEO consultant can be hired for advice on media channels.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Earned Media?
Earned media is a way to promote a product or service. It relates to word-of-mouth advertising by consumers. It is often a free way to advertise, but not the easiest.
What is the impact of Earned Media on SEO?
Earned media does have a certain impact on your site’s SEO. You attract visitors to your website without paying money for an advertising campaign. If these consumers also make a purchase, this is totally good for SEO.