Broken Link Checker
Want to know if there are broken links in your site or page? You can do that quickly and easily with Broken Link Checker. This is a website that checks for broken links on a site or page. You enter the URL of the page or site in question on the website.
What is Broken Link Checker?
Next, see where your broken links are. This can be in internal and external URLs. The error codes at the corresponding links are also displayed. Of course, you want to know exactly where the links are. The Broken Link Checker shows the location of links in your HTML.
More on broken links
Broken Link Checker works on all devices. That is, Windows, Mac and Linux, as well as on Android and iOS. You can get your site or page checked for free by entering the URL online. There is, however, a maximum number of pages that can be checked for free with Broken Link Checker. After 3,000 pages, this is no longer free. How or what to pay then is not entirely clear.
Checking left is important for two reasons. Your visitors and your SEO. You will rank lower in search engine search results if your site has links to non-existent pages or produces errors. Your visitors also find it annoying. They don’t get where they wanted to go, and it creates distrust of your site and therefore your business.
Impact on SEO
Visitors also affect your SEO in the long run. If your visitor numbers drop, you’ll end up lower in search results. But the main impact of the Broken Link Checker on your SEO is to fix your broken links. Fewer or no bad links increases your ranking in search results pages. That’s where the opportunities for your SEO are.
My advice
The tool is free and you don’t have to install anything. So you have nothing to lose. Use the Broken Link Checker and make sure all your pages are cleared of all broken links. That makes for a neat site. A pleasant experience for your visitors and a higher ranking in search results.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Broken Link Checker?
Broken Link Checker is a website that checks for you if there are non-working links on a page or website. You can do this very easily by entering the URL of the page or site you want to check. As a result, you get the links, the corresponding error codes and the position in your html code.
What is the impact of Broken Link Checker on SEO?
The impact of Broken Link Checker on SEO is significant. Non-functioning links lower your ranking in search results. By addressing these, you ensure a higher ranking and therefore more visitors.