Brotli compression test
My Brotli Compression Test tool helps you determine if your website is using the advanced Brotli compression method. Brotli is a modern, powerful compression algorithm that reduces the file size of your website, making pages load faster and improving the overall user experience.
What is Brotli compression?
Brotli is a compression algorithm developed by Google that is used to compress files for faster data transfer over the Internet. It offers better compression ratios than older methods such as Gzip, leading to smaller file sizes and faster loading times for your Web site.
Why perform a Brotli Compression Test?
- Check if Brotli compression makes your website faster and improves the user experience.
- Faster websites are ranked better by search engines such as Google.
- Reduce transmitted data, critical for mobile users with limited data.
- Save bandwidth and server costs with modern compression techniques.
What does this tool check for?
- Brotli compression active: The tool checks if your server has Brotli compression enabled for your web pages.
- Compression Ratio: Indicates the compression ratio and shows how much the file size has been reduced thanks to Brotli.
- Alternative compression (such as Gzip): Checks for a fallback to another compression method, such as Gzip, if Brotli is not available.
How does the Brotli Compression Test work?
- Enter your website URL: Type or paste the URL of the website you want to check for Brotli compression.
- Automatic analysis: The tool runs a test to see if the server applies Brotli compression to the files of the specified website.
- Receive Results: Get a report indicating whether Brotli compression is active and how much compression is applied.
With my Brotli Compression Test tool, you can easily check if your website is taking advantage of advanced Brotli compression technology. By enabling Brotli compression, you can reduce load times, improve the user experience and potentially increase your search engine rankings.