SEO UPdate #6 – 19/01/2022

The January 19, 2022 SEO Update. There is a lot on the program today, so let’s get right to it.
Do not use commas, parentheses or other characters that do not belong in a URL for faceted navigation URLs. To do this, use the characters like an ampersand and “=”. For more information, see Google’s 2014 guide (John confirmed in 2022 that it is still correct).
This guide contains one way not to do it and one way to do it .
Google on updates for the weekend
Google indicates the company is not rolling out updates before the weekend. In doing so, Danny Sullivan also indicated that it is not often that the company starts rolling out an update and then goes to celebrate weekends.
What Danny does point out is that the company operates globally. So this may mean that they are in a different time zone and so this does occur.
Google about a website migration
Google indicates in a #askGoogleBot that a migration, including the change of URLs, is not easy for Google to manage. Google stores a page’s data under the URL that page is on in their index. This ensures that when you want to migrate to another URL, Google has to move the entire content of that page to another page.
A nice picture of John Mueller + a TODO list (very concise) for a migration:

Note that changes in URLs can take several months for Google to pick it all up correctly. The more URLs, the slower it goes. And note: keep the redirects live for at least a year (I usually always keep them live).
Structured data for cookTime can no longer be declared in a range. It should be specified exactly from now on (not 10-12 minutes, but 10 minutes).
GSC and the Page Experience reporting for desktop
The Google Search Console now shows Page experience reporting in the environment. I think this had been available for mobile for some time, but good that it is now available for desktop as well.
Screenshot from my GSC

That’s it again. Until the next one!